Monday, December 3, 2007

You Were Wrong, I Knew it all Along

It's amazing what happens when you skip the pee-ons and go to the management about your problems (oh, I mean, when you can speak to them, that is).

I got a phone call from the regional manager of my apartment complex this morning. He left me a voicemail at work saying he had a solution for me. I called him back and he said "How would you like to just stay in your current apartment, on your current lease, and I'll give you permission to keep your dog there". Excellent. I told him that would be perfect and he said he was sorry for my trouble and he hoped this would work.

They're writing an addendum to my lease that says I'm allowed to have Walter here, but if there are more than 3 complaints, then I'll have to switch buildings. If THAT happens, I still won't have to pay the $300 transfer fee either. So hopefully there isn't some creepy homebody that keeps tabs on everyone and reports people. This worked out well though.

I'm going to the leasing office tomorrow to sign my addendum and I feel like looking at the girl who gave me a hard time and saying "Gosh Kara, I bet you wish you would have just listened to me and gave me what I wanted in the first place so your manager didn't embarass you, huh?". I wouldn't say that, I'll be nice, but she needs to check herself before she starts making decisions.

I did my treadmill exercise test today so I can get permission to use the gym at work. That was annoying. It took me about 30 minutes but I got to leave work a little early to do it.

Ohhh I'm so glad Walter will be back here with me and I don't have to move. And I got what I wanted (deserved).

1 comment:

-P said...

spoiled little brat