Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Yo No Comprendo

From CNN.com

God on Money and in Pledge

I don't understand. Is it really that big of an issue? I think this country has more important issues the Supreme Court needs to spend their time on.


Marth said...

Unfortunately, the name for the most popular god in the world is God, and so the nonreligious likely associate the word with the most popular god, instead of just the vague "worship-able higher being" word that I think it means. To me, the slogan is a lie, because I trust in the people who are producing the money, not in a higher power, for the money that I have. But that's a lie I'm willing to live with. It's not like every time I get change back, someone's asking, "Does this slogan apply to you?" I can see Newdow's point, but atheists just aren't organized enough to really make moves like the ones he wants. Most of the time, I'm okay with that. This is one of those times.

David said...

I just think changing what our money looks like or says should be the least of the US's troubles right now...

-P said...

First: If you don't want to say the pledge, in it's entirety, get the F! out of my country. I am so sick and tired of the complaining that goes on continually from people that think their "rights" are being trampled. Get. Some. Perspective.

Second: (Big assumtion--Newdow is an atheist.) It makes no sense to ask for Congress to "respect your religion" if you are an ATHEIST. There is no way around it--atheism is the very absence of religion! What's to respect?!

Third: I'll suspend disbelief for a moment and call atheism a religion, like Newdow believes it is. By forcing the removal of any mention of God from our nation's moneys and motto, isn't he forcing his religious views on me?! How is that equal? Oh that's right. It's not.

Final: I'm disgusted by Christians who persecute gays. I'm irritated by a church that pickets the funeral of a fallen soldier. But I am even more fed up with atheists. Just straight up. They are the most annoying people. And, you know, that's not even meant as an insult. It just seems like fact. Christians are expected to just roll over, turn the other cheek, and take it. And that's why crap like Newdow's lawsuits are allowed to continue. Because, and let me be very clear here, Newdow's actions are a direct insult and offense to _the_ God. Whether you believe in Him or not.