Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Today I had my year end review at work. It went better than I expected. We were evaluated on each goal and performance area as "below, meets, or exceeds". As my boss was going through them he was covering up the one below it on the sheet as we went through, like a school teacher does on an overhead so they can keep your attention. Most of my scores were "exceeds" with a few "meets" scattered in there. The areas that were scored as "meets" were things like "fills out and turns in timesheet on time". You kind of either do that, or you don't, so I'm not sure how you'd get "exceed" unless you turned it in with a Reeses cup stabled to it, or something.

My overall ranking was "excellent". There is one higher called "oustanding" but my manager said he has never seen an "oustanding" before, so that must be hard to get. He said I'm doing better than he had envisioned I would in 6 months and said I'm taking on more responsibility than he had originally planned for me.

Overall it was a good review and it's a nice end to the year and my 6 months there on a positive note. I'm looking forward to taking a break for a while too. I can't wait to see Walter again (and family too).

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