Sunday, December 2, 2007

Lots of Material

It warmed up here to 40 so the precipitation is now rain instead of snow. I don't like that because it turned the snow to slush and the roads are all wet. I'm ready for more snow.

Today I watched Planes, Traines, and Automobiles with Katey and Erica after church. I love that movie so much. The humor is the best.

I talked to many people today. Kiki was first. Her knee is better. Then I talked to Gina. Then I talked to Heather. Then I talked to Linda. When I am in South Carolina for Christmas/New Year's I will see a lot of family (I found out today). Heather will be there, and Gina, and Robert, and Linda, and Gene, and Zahara.

Super Paper Mario is a REALLY good video game. It's my favorite so far in the "Paper Mario" series. I like them in this order: Super Paper Mario>Paper Mario>Paper Mario 2 The Thousand Year Door. I really hope they make a Pikin 3 for Wii. I want to get Super Mario Galaxy next, it looks really good.

There's a movie on the Sci Fi channel called "Tin Man" and it's some Wizard of Oz knockoff that I thought would be really good from the previews, but I'm 11 minutes into it and it doesn't hold my attention. It's got that "mid-evil crap" element to it like Lord of the Rings or Gladiator. Not my style.

Well I guess that's it, I go back to work tomorrow. There's an all employee meeting in the morning so that will be a good way to get through a Monday morning.


-P said...

This is the first Monday morning that I just flat-out did not feel like coming to work.
"Somebody's got a case of the Monday's!"
I'm glad there are no d bags here to say that to me.

David said...

Ohhh Myyyy. You're not going to start "skipping" like you did Fluids and Heat Transfer, are you?

It would be so funny if you skipped a month of work like you did Heat Transfer and then just showed up after a month and say "Can I still work here" i.e. "can I still pass?" HAHA Paul, you funny Mista Heeb