I just looked and I haven't posted since Thursday. Unacceptable.
Friday was aggravating to say the least. I don't want to say much about it here, if you really want to know why work was stupid and I felt like leaving and pretending Friday didn't happen, just give me a call and I'll be glad to tell you.
Now that Friday is over, I was able to enjoy the weekend. I have my FE Exam next Saturday, so I tried, tried studying for the exam for as much as I could. In school, especially senior year, it was very hard to get motivated and I got very distracted. Now, it's nearly impossible to concentrate. I always have some excuse NOT to sit down, and concentrate. And that scares me. I used to be SO good at just sitting down and studying, and working. Now, not so good. And I don't know if it's because I'm REALLY getting ADD or if it's just lazy...or what. Anyway it's scary because it's not like me. I just don't have much motivation. I guess having a job and a paycheck will do that to you.
Saturday I went and did a blood test for my physical. It was painless and only took 5 minutes or so. I made a salad for dinner tonight, and since I started to like peppers I bought one at the grocery store to cut up and put in my salad. I don't know what kind it was, but it looked good, and it was green, and was long, so I bought it. I chopped it up and put it in there and took a bite and felt the rath of fire in my mouth. I ran to the trash, spit it out and started coughing. I poured a huge glass of milk and started chugging it down. I even started crying and my face was hot. It was the hottest thing I have ever put in my mouth. I'll just stick with the peppers in the Papa John's box from now on, I can't handle much more. I had to throw the salad away I made because it was contaminated with the acidic fire.
I hope this next week at work goes well, and I hope I get more motivation to study for my exam. Please send me an email, and tell me in a commanding tone to study so I remember.
You can't be studying if you are reading this.
Remember to learn a lesson from me, the Snow Bunny. You need to study! It'll come back to bite you in the end.
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