Monday, October 22, 2007

Gather 'Round and I'll Tell Ye a Story

I'm taking a break from studying to tell you this, so please enjoy it.

Beetlejuice was on TV yesterday and I watched about 45 minutes of it. I love that movie. There is a character in the movie, shown above, I want to tell you a little story about. If you've known me for a long time (family) you know I compare people to characters in movies, or make odd names for people, like Nana, or Bebop. Well Paul is the same way, except he sometimes is a little more out there with his character selections, or more creative I guess you could say.

One day, I think the first day, of Fluids class a girl walked in, and she had a TEENY TINY head on top of huge football player shoulders and a thick torso. I couldn't believe it. I immediately said to Paul "Look! She looks like the guy with the shrunken head from Beetlejuice!". We found out her last name was Bugg. Not Bug, Bug-g. You can't say "bug" like an insect, you have to go "Bug-g". Go on, practice: Bug-g-g-g-g. We decided though when you pronounce the name you can't just say Bug-g once, you have to stutter it like Bug-g-g-g-g-g like you're caught on the last G. But an extra G is in the name so it's important, you must enunciate it. Bug-g-g-g-g-g.

Then I had "Dr" Wood and we used her first name with Bug-g and came up with a fictional character called "Judy Bug-g". Matt Junior can do it really well, the way he stumbles his G. I can't really put a face on Judy Bug-g, but she's probably tiny, drives a VW Beetle or a Miata like a maniac, and is real flighty and hectic and talks fast. I think I have a video of Paul doing an impression of her. If you meet her, let me know.

1 comment:

-P said...

Good post today. That little head really makes me laugh.