i My Goodness
It's a phone, a music player, a planner, a web browser, a calendar, a texter...someone said it can also check your blood sugar. It's the iPhone...who spent $499 and bought one today (the cheap one)?
I know how Apple's mission is the make things as user friendly as possible, and I know they've been marketing that aspect about the iPhone...how it's so easy to use. When I turned on "The Today Show" this morning, little Merideth Viera pulled one out and said "Look what I have! Apple gave us these to demo". However, poor Meredith just started laughing and didn't even know how to use it. It rang, and she couldn't even answer it! I don't know if this is because Meredith doesn't know how to use a phone, or if it's not as easy as they say. Either way, not a good way to showcase your product. This phone was hyped up so much, I don't understand how it can meet the hype.
Work went well, pretty slow but relaxing. After work I came home, changed clothes, and wanted to go to an electronics store in Sterling Heights called Microcenter. It was a long way away, and I had to go through Detroit on the way back. I don't like that side of town so I'm glad I live on the west side of the metro area.
Wait...did you get an iPhone???
No, I'm one of those "free" phone people. I just want a phone, not anything else.
Okay good. We need more "free" phone people like you. :)
Yea, I saw the Today Show and cracked up at Meradith. She had to (or should have) been embarassed. I think she was the problem, but wasn't good advertising for Apple either.
Love ya,
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