Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Hoosier State

That's what Indiana is called, and people from Indiana are Hoosiers. I had a really good time this weekend there with Matt. I hadn't seen Matt since December, so it's been a while. I got there around 9:30 Friday night. Friday at work I had to go to Lapeer, near Flint in the afternoon, and then I left straight from there to go to Indianapolis. It took me around 4.5 hrs to get there. The drive is really easy, it's all flat with maybe a few tiny tiny hills. It's basically just a bunch of cornfields for 4.5 hours, not too much to see.

Saturday we went to the state museum which was fun. They had a nice space exhibit and we saw an IMAX movie about the moon producted by Tom Hanks. I liked that. While at the museum, we were going through the state history section and they had a Klu Klux Klan uniform in a display case. A little girl beside me went "oh look mommy, a ghost costume. That's a big ghost costume...".

After that we went to The Cheesecake Factory. It was really good, but a lot of food and ofcourse we both had cheesecake for desert. This morning I went to church with Matt and that was nice, I liked the church. I left to come back around 2:30 and got back home around 6:45 or so. It was a nice weekend.

Hopefully Matt can come up and visit me soon. I think we're going to go to Cedar Point in Ohio the 2nd week in July, so I'm looking forward to that. I'm still enjoying work, everyone is still very friendly and very helpful.

One wonderful thing about Indiana is that they sell Mobil 1 5W-30 synthetic oil in 5 qt containers at Walmart for $19.98! I bought 2 so I could stock up since they don't have them here.

Today was my parent's 29th anniversay, so Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad. I think you'll get a card soon (hopefully if the USPS didn't loose it behind a desk).


Marth said...

Oh wow, I was going to ask you "why'd you buy more oil if you just changed your oil?" but then I remembered that you're working there as a real employee, that Michigan is your home for a while, and that you aren't just there for the summer. Silly me! Glad you had fun in Indy. When are you heading out my way? ;)

Anonymous said...


I'm just getting caught up on your blog. Thanks for the card and gift card. You know we can use it - we love to eat.

Love ya!