Sunday, January 6, 2008


Walter is adjusting nicely to his new home. The first few days you could tell he was still learning. He wasn't eating as much, and acted like this apartment wasn't his. Now he's walking around like he knows the place, and he has learned outside pretty well. He also goes in his crate by himself when he gets tired. He's being a very good boy. Katey came over last night and she said he is very smart and well behaved. I'm proud of him.

Today warmed up to 43 degrees, which feels very nice. The snow is melting and tomorrow is supposed to be 57 degrees! I assume it will be down to be arctic like conditions soon though.

At church today they were talking about some of their goals for 2008 and what they had done in 2007. I never used to think back on the previous year, what I had done, and what I had learned, but I did this past year. I think I posted about it. 2007 was very interesting and probably the most changing year in my life.

I think I'm taking Walter to Terissa's house today so he can play with Teenie Weenie and PJ. I'll have to take some pictures if I go.

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