Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Dentist Returns

I love this dentist I go to. I had an appointment at 7:00 PM to get a cavity filled. I went in at 6:50 PM and left at 7:06 PM. When I got in he said he was going to fill it without novacaine. I asked if it would hurt, and he said "well, it won't hurt me...". It was weird having someone drill your tooth with no anesthetic, but it actually didn't hurt at all. It was kind of an annoying pain, like somone squeezing your skin quickly. It was MUCH better than getting a shot, and having a numb cheeck with drool for the rest of the night.

So I can say I had a cavity filled, with no novacaine. I also have a dentist now I'm not scared to go to. So this dentist has redeemed the dentistry profession.

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