Thursday, January 24, 2008


Tonight has been my first night at home since...Saturday. I've been out doing things each night. Monday was the movie with Katey, Tuesday I saw Cloverfield with Dan and Tom from work, and last night I went to a Texas Hold 'Em poker game with some people from work. I never knew poker could be so much fun!

It was only my 2nd time playing poker. We played two rounds...the first I didn't so very well, but by the 2nd round I got lucky, or had more skill, I'm not sure which. I like the game though, and I think if I practiced I could be really good. Especially with bluffing. I'm good at lying.

People I work with are inviting me out to do more things with them which is fun. Our work group is pretty close knit outside of work. I can see how that might be a bad thing is something were to go wrong...but it's fun for now. I'm younger than everyone else, but I still have a good time with them. Mostly they're in their late twenties or early thirties.

Aunt Linda took time to send me a nice e-mail today to remind me that in Novi's 10 day forcast, there is only one day where the high is above freezing. Thank you, Linda. I think this snow is going to be on the ground for a long time, this time. The last big snow melted because we had a thaw, but it's going to be cold until March I think.

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