Sunday, September 30, 2007

Weekend End

Sunday nights are always so nice, just looking back on the weekend. I had a really good, relaxing, fun weekend. Friday Alex and I went to see the movie "Across the Universe". The one that's a Beatles musical type thing. We went to see it at a theater in Birmingham, which is a really trendy part of Detroit (Starbucks and Volvos everywhere). It was really neat to see Birmingham though, it's a nice area so I would like to go back there again sometime.

Saturday I got a phone call at 8:30 am from Erica, but then I went back to sleep until 11:30. I went to a game store with Alex, and then we went to one of his friend's houses and played games until midnight.

Today I went to church, then ate lunch, and did laundry. I took a bike ride today because it was very very nice outside. A perfect day. It was in the mid 70's, a slight wisper of a beeze, and a clear sky. It felt like a spring day actually. So the bikeride was nice. I came back and got some groceries at Target. I went there to just get cereal, but then I found a nice hat and scarf and since I don't have those, and will need them, I bought them.

Today I also got to talk to Becky, Paul, and Kiki so that was nice. Becky is coming this weekend and I can't wait to see her (you!). It's going to be a lot of fun. We'll be going to Chicago to visit with Matt Senior and Lindsay. We'll go to Canada one day too. I'm looking forward to having her visit. Kiki will be coming the weekend after Becky, and we'll see University of Michigan and Canada (as well). It will be fun having friends visit me.

Paul had really good news to tell me too, but I'll let him tell you himself because he should tell you. It's that big.

I'm well rested to take on the week. I think I'll make more movies this week from the Anime weekend so watch out.

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