Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sh Sh Sh Sh Shhheeahh Moment Diagram

I hated Strengths and Materials in college. It was the worst subject for me. I think I got off on the wrong foot with it, with Yong, my Chinese professor. There was something about him that rubbed me the wrong way, like how he didn't speak coherent English. That actually didn't just rub me the wrong way, it infuriated me. As a side note, if you want to rip your ears off listen to a Chinese person stutter. It WILL drive you insane, I guarantee. So there was that, on top of the fact that he assigned massive amounts of homework due in unreasonable intervals. For example, I think we once had 3 assigments due on one day? I think I made like a 64 on the first test, studied extremely hard for the second test, and made a 62...or some grade like that which you know the teacher gives you just to mock you. Well, maybe not, but I think he did, he was that spiteful. I remember he didn't have time to help me one day after class because "Mr. Smithes I come back from trip and I be much too tired", followed by that tiny little smirk. Ugggh.

So when I made a D in his class I re-took it with "Doctor" Judy Wood. You should watch HERE. I strongly recommend it. It is worth the 35 minutes of your life, I promise. I can't really explain this one, just watch her and you'll know what I mean.

So Strengths and Materials and I just got off on the wrong foot. I even had Thermodynamics with John Saylor, who many Clemson student's think it Satan's brother, and I somehow loved, and still love that subject, so it took a lot for me to be sour about Strenghts and Materials.

To the moral of the story. Things are looking bright for me and Strengths of Materials. I calculated the bucking load of a stabilizer link at work the other day and found out I got a result very similar to what the computer would give. I'm re-introducing myself to it through work, small amounts at a time. I'm getting more comfortable with it.

There is just that little Chinese man that keeps stuttering his words in my head whenever I think of that subject that I'm trying to ebolish. "Helllloooo Boooooyes" and "Behhh Beehhh Beehhhh Behhhhh Beeending, Bending, Bending".


Marth said...

Ch Ch Ch Ch Chat Chatta Chatta Figh Chatta Ch Ch Ch Chatta Five Chatta Five


Anonymous said...

HAHAAHAH! That was a good post! Great comment from Kiki, too! HAHAA!