Thursday, September 20, 2007

No Shame

I'm not sure what happens to people when they fly, but it's like the second they step foot in an airport they go into stupid mode. Let me explain.

People talk loud...extremely loud to make sure YOU hear what they're saying...just so you know I guess, because it must be important that they feel the need to shout it over 5 other people. "I'm going to Chicago this you realize I haven't spent a weeekend at home in 2 months!?". No, I didn't know that, and I've never met you before...SHHHH.

Also being in an airport must allow you to talk very loud on your cell phone...about innapropriate subjects (i.e. sex) while sitting right next to someone. This wasn't a young person, but an obese lady in her 50's. Not what I want to hear, neither does anyone else. She got up to go up to the gate agent, and nice flight attendant sat down and I said "thank you so much for taking that seat, I can't listen to her on her phone anymore". She looked at the lady in line, and said "Ohhh...THAT one?" and I said "yeah...she's being a little loud and I don't want to hear her conversation". The flight attendant said "she does look annoying. Did you know they were talking about allowing cell phones to be used on the plane in flight". I said "Nooo...I hope they're not". She said "Yeah. I don't think they are but that would be horrible". And it would be horrible, this "airport" attitude would spill over into the airplane.

There is also something about clothing in an airport too. I think it's with guys more than girls. Guys try to dress like they're coming back from a fashion show, with white European shoes, jeans with holes, and some soccer jersey (for example). Just dress normal would you please, because I know you're not European you're probably from Iowa.

I guess I had too much time to people watch, but it's true. Just spend some time in an airport and you'll pick up on it. Hopefully you won't have to sit next to some lady talking about her sex life, complaining about her landlord, and crying because security was mean to her, among other things.

I'm back in Michigan now, but I leave tomorrow to go back to Atlanta to meet Kiki and Paul and others for the AWA Convention. This weekend will be a lot of fun. I'm not bringing my computer so I will post back on Monday...with pictures.

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