Monday, July 9, 2007

They Were Closed

I thought the bike shop closed at 8:00, because in Michigan all (excuseme, most) businesses stay open until 8:00 on Monday and Thursday nights, and close at 6:00 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. By the time I left work and got to the shop it was 6:30, and they closed at 6:00. So, I didn't get the bike today. Maybe tomorrow, hopefully.

Even though I didn't get the bike today, I got some wonderful suprises in the mail. Matt Swindler (Hi, Matt *waving*) sent me a postcard from DisneyLand. Mom sent me some mail I got back in South Carolina, and I got my medical and prescription cards from Blue Cross Blue Shield. Kiki (Hey Keh Keh) sent me a nice postcard a while back from San Fran, and Paul (Ju Paul) sent me Pokemon cards 4 weeks ago, that's why there's a Pokemon of the Week.

Work was fun today, I'm doing DFMEA (Design Failure Mode Effect and Analysis) training Monday - Wednesday and I like this a lot. I'm busy at work this week though but I'm getting the hang of things a little more and taking on more responsibility. I guess Dr. Fadel aka Gorgeous Georges taught me something.

Gas is back up to $3.35 per gallon here. Boooo

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