Monday, July 2, 2007


I have a small project to work on now at my job and I need to finish it by tomorrow. It's using CATIA, the CAD program I learned. I'm really slow with it because I'm still learning, and there are tricks I need help with. A guy I work with helped me with it a lot. He lives in Canada and is supposedly the "expert" on it in our groupe. He was really helpful and took his time though showing me the right way to get a drawing set up. Hopefully he won't mind helping me out more tomorrow. I'm still learning and it's going well.

After work I decided I needed to exercise since I have been lazy. I did 30 minutes on the eliptical trainer and about 10 minutes of weights. I can tell I was getting out of shape because the 30 minutes on the eliptical trainer was harder than it should have been. After that I made a chicken ceaser salad for dinner, and ate probably 0.5 lbs of frozen grapes because I love them so much.


Marth said...

You couldn't type "half a pound," you had to type 0.5 lbs. Like that makes you cool, psh. :)

Do you have a gym at your work? That's cool if you do.

Marth said...

Hey, that "guy" commented on my blog, too, but I rejected it I think. Hey write stuff because it's been a few days and I'm sure you've done something interesting. :D