Sunday, July 22, 2007

Glad I'm back

I'm glad to be back in Michigan. The event was a little mentally draining because I was around people from work the entire time and didn't have much in common with them since they were all older. There were two younger guys (23 and 21) from work that I did stuff with but they came to actually "work" the tailgate and set up, prepare etc.

Racing is ok, but 3 days of it is just too much for me. I couldn't stay interested. I have a short attention span for repetitiveness as it is so watching cars go around a track 200 times is hard for me to be interested in.

It's nice to be back though, and I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed for a change.

1 comment:

Marth said...

Are the young guys hot? ;)

Glad you're back on the blog scene as well. :)