Monday, July 30, 2007

No Title - Can't Think of One

Worked from 8:00 to 7:00 today. Wonderful.

Tomorrow I leave to visit Subaru in Indiana: "The Greenest Car Manufacturer in America" for all you tree huggers out there (ie Kiki) :). I'll let you know how green it is. I'll be there for 2 days, so you might not get the pleasure of new posts for those 2 days. Maybe the hotel will have free internet.

I made this video of a "Michigan Left", but I couldn't upload it on YouTube, so maybe I'll have to find another way to do it and then you can see it.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Weekend End

Well the weekend's over but it was so nice. I pretty much just was lazy with Friday evening. I slept until 10:00 on Saturday which was so nice. The best part was waking up at 7:00 am, looking at the clock and just thinking to myself "nope...goodnight!" and sleeping 3 more hours. I love doing that.

Saturday afternoon I went to an outdoors mall with Erica, Katey's sister. We ate lunch there and walked around and were going to meet Carmela at church Saturday night. Carmela was at her dad's house and couldn't meet us in time so we ended up just watching a movie instead of going to church. Today though I went to church twice, once at 9:15 and then to another church at 11:00. The one I went to at 9:15 is called Community Bible Church and is the church my boss invited me to. This is also where I met some people in the AXIS group. The church I went to at 11:00 is called Northridge and it's enormous, very similar to New Spring back in Clemson. However, I like the messages at Northridge better so I want to keep going there.

I made spaghetti tonight for dinner. I made more than I thought, so I have leftovers for lunch. I think I'm going to make some videos with my camera of some stuff. Michigan stuff I guess?

I got neat mail this weekend too, a bib from Aunt Lindar to help my drooling problem while sleeping (that was fun mail!).

Friday, July 27, 2007

TGIF...not really

Maybe the rule goes something like this: If you have a great week up until Thursday...Friday is jealous because it's supposed to be the best day and will get revenge. Maybe?

Work was long today. Too long. I got there at 8:00, didn't take a lunch, only went to the bathroom maybe twice, and worked at my desk on the stupid computer until 6:30.
I also had a meeting with my supervisor to go over my goals for the year. Atleast I have things laid out that I need to accomplish by the end of the year. It's nice to have goals

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

401 what?

Terissa was on her way to the bathroom at 5:10 and stopped by to say hello, and we talked until 6:00 about 401K's and retirement. Appartantly she must be a millionaire already because she knows all about funds, IRA's, blah blah, more financial stuff, blah blah. I hate finances. I like saving money, and having it, but that's about it. I hate interest and how confusing it gets. I have to go ahead and start my 401K.

I did a bike ride today after work which wasn't such a good idea for two reasons:
1) traffic was really heavy
2) the sprinklers were on and spraying over the sidewalks

Appparantly July is the hottest month for Michigan but I think the hottest it got was 95 ONE day 2 weeks ago. It's been in the high 70's, low 80's for the most part. An absolutely perfect summer. I actually turn off my AC while I'm at work and my apartment doesn't get hot at all. So I guess it's all down hill from here with weather. I think as long as it's not wet with rain, I'll be ok. I don't like cold rain. I can handle ice, snow, and dry cold...just not the rainy cold. We shall see. have to sleep on the hide-a-bed with Fuller. If he has something to drink, he's going to wet the bed. No, for real, did anyone know Tammy Faye Messner died this past weekend? I knew she was close to dying, but I was a little suprised. I hope Estelle Getty who played Sophia on Golden Girls holds out because I like her.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

David Loves Planes...

Did you know the airplane above, a Boeing 747-200 gets about 0.12 miles per one gallon of gas? When I was coming back from Maine I saw these little airplane trading cards, kind of like baseball cards, but with planes instead. So I got one and today at work I was looking at the back at all the facts. It noted the maximum range and maximum fuel capacity, so I decided to calculate the MPG. Neat huh. Watch them dance.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Fun Day

Today was a great day at work, probably my favorite day since I've started. Nothing extraordinary happened, things just flowed well today. I left feeling like I had accomplished what I had wanted for the day by 5:15, and that feels good. I'm getting more comfortable with processes, forms to fill out, and how to design our products. It feels good to be able to function without stumbling so much. However, that's not to say I won't in the future, but things went well today.

I went shopping today after work, but before I went in the grocery store I was going to get gas. I was at Meijer. The gas was $2.94 so I figured I should fill up before it goes up again. So I swiped my credit card and it said "one moment" and nothing ever happened. I cancelled the transaction and tried again...same thing. So I went inside and told the attendant and asked if she could turn the pump on for me. She said I didn't press the buttons right (even though I did) and to try again, or just hit the "pay inside" button. So I went back out, and hit the "pay inside" button. The pump never turned on. So I just put it up and drove accross the street to Speedway and got gas there. That pump was broken and she wouldn't listen to me.

On my way home from the grocery store I was stopped at a red light, and a black Dodge Charger with tinted windows was behind me, and the guy driving pulled out a digital camera and started to take pictures of my car. I have no idea why, unless he's a freak and likes 1992 two tone Saturns like I do. I thought that was strange, and he watched me as I turned into my apartment complex.

I talked to Vicki in Trinidad the other day and apparantly her cist was 8 cm x 4 cm and actually ruptured, and that's what the pain was. She was doing fine though. I got a book in the mail the other day from her called "An Introduction to the History of Trindad and Tobago". It's like a school textbook, but really good and I like reading it.

Well as weird as it sounds, being back at work is almost like a break after so much traveling last week.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Glad I'm back

I'm glad to be back in Michigan. The event was a little mentally draining because I was around people from work the entire time and didn't have much in common with them since they were all older. There were two younger guys (23 and 21) from work that I did stuff with but they came to actually "work" the tailgate and set up, prepare etc.

Racing is ok, but 3 days of it is just too much for me. I couldn't stay interested. I have a short attention span for repetitiveness as it is so watching cars go around a track 200 times is hard for me to be interested in.

It's nice to be back though, and I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed for a change.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Guess where I am?

Ohio! My favorite place! Actually this time I'm here for work, at the Honda 200 race. It's pretty interesting from what I've seen. My employer has a large camper with lots of food and a tailgate for prospective clients. This weekend is about hob-nobbing with the big whigs. I'm glad I brought my business cards with me. I'm spending a lot of one on one time with the engineering boss's boss (ie 3.5 hrs in the car on the way here) so that's good.

The formula car races are much more high class than Nascar. I've noticed many Germans, Italians, and French people here, which is funny because this track is in the middle of cornfields in the middle of Ohio.

I have to get up at 6:30 am, on a Saturday, which should be illegal. So I better go to bed.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Back in the Mitten

I'm back from my fist business trip. It was very rushed and busy nonstop, but it was a good learning experience.
We left Michigan Tuesday night and flew to Bangor, Maine. I'm not a big fan of Maine, or the northeast at all for that matter. I think the average age is Maine is oh, I don't know, maybe 96? We toured a production facility there. That was beneficial because I got to watch the product I'll be designing being built and assembled. Good information.

Leaving Maine was interesting. We were leaving at 5:40, which is the last flight out of the airport for the day. Bangor is really that small. The airport is basically a room with ticket counters, metal detectors, and gates. It's all one big thing. We were on Delta Connection going to Cincinatti. So we got on the plane late, taxied to the runway and sat for 15 minutes. Then the flight attendant said the pilots were getting a warning light and we had to return to the terminal. After we got back to the terminal, she told us to de-plane. Back in the terminal the airport was dead...everyone had gone home. So they said the flight was cancelled. We waited around for a few minutes, and most of the people just re-booked for the morning and left. Then they said that they were going un-cancel the flight...and there were only 4 passengers (us) left standing there. So the counter agent ran outside and found 4 of the other passengers and told them they could fly. So we got back on the plane. The flight attendant said it'd be just a minute because the other 4 people had to go through security. Well...suprise suprise, since we got off the plane WE had to go back through security. So we got off the plane AGAIN and went through security, then got back on the plane, for the third time. This time we took off and made it to Cincinatti at 12:00 am instead of 8:30 pm but atleast we made it. The flight attendant was giving out free alcohol and lot of crackers and snacks since there were only 8 passengers. She talked to me a lot about the stuff that goes on behind what passengers she hates repeating all the safety stuff, how real Delta flight attendants hate the Delta Connection flight attendants, how they steal know, the stuff flight attendants do. Whew...that was long to read, wasn't it? Well imagine what it was like to actually DO it.

So we got up this morning and went to a ZF plant in Kentucky, right outside Cincinatti. Oh did I mention Cincinatti's aiport is in Kentucky? Ohio's weird, remember? So we got to the plant at 8:00 am, took a quick tour, got back to the airport at 10:00 am, and took off at 11:00 am for Detroit. I was so tired. I just remember taking off from Cincinatti, and then waking up when a bell rang on the plane signaling passengers to prepare for landing, and wondered why my chin was so wet. I looked down and see a gigantic string of slobber on my shirt in a puddle, stringing up to my chin, and to my mouth. I quickly wiped it away and looked at the person who was beside me. He was still asleep.

A guy I work with was looking for an apartment and asked me how I liked mine. I told him about the apartment search I used, and he ended up deciding to live in the same apartments I do! He's a nice guy, and he's getting a 2 bedroom because he has to use one whole bedroom for all his games. He collects games, board games...all games. He knows how to play Smash Brothers too. That will be fun, I've been dying to play.

Well you're probably tired of reading because I'm tired of typing. Tomorrow I leave for Ohio for a Honda race we have to go to for work. Ohio again...booooo!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Business Trip

Tomorrow I take my first business trip. I'm going to Maine, then to Ohio, then back to Michigan. I fly to Bangor, then Cincinnati, then back to Detroit. It will mainly be meeting people at the plants, and touring them. A guy from Japan is visiting now, so we're taking him around and I'm along for the ride.

Work today was definately busy and hectic. Again, it's because I'm not sure how to do everything yet, mainly in CATIA, but I'm learning.

My penpal Vicki in Trinidad just sent me a text message telling me she has to have surgery tomorrow to remove a cist from her ovary. She called me Sunday and said she didn't feel good and her stomach had been hurting a lot. I'll be praying for her, and you should too!

Remember how my checkbook was still $0.20 off balance. Well, it still is. So I just accepted the fact after 2 weeks and use the bank's balance. I can't stand that.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ohio's Best Kept Secret

This weekend I met Matt and Jerry (Matt's friend from work) in Sandusky, Ohio so we could go to Cedar Point on Saturday. I got there first on Friday, and saw our hotel, the Howard Johnson. Hotel is relative, dump is more like it. We ended up not staying there because we didn't want our stuff stolen. We stayed at a Days Inn which was nicer.

If you know me, you've probably heard my theory on Ohio more than once. Everyone I've met from Ohio, for good or bad, has some sort of oddity about them. You could say that everyone has an oddity, but people from Ohio have exacerbated oddities that are 99% of the time weirdness. It's hard to put in words. If you go to Ohio, or just meet some people from Ohio you'll know what I mean. I think one of the reasons is that people are confused. Ohio is not really northern, not really midwestern, and not really southern. So, you have this mesh of people who are hillbilly/midwestern/northern...everything. It's so weird. Men and women love large, strange tattoos also. Tattoos like Seagrams bourbon on the back of your neck, or a 6" Dopey on your calf.

Cedar Point was a lot of fun though. We got there at 8:45 am and the park opened at 10:00 am. We ran down to Top Thrill Dragster (shown above) but it was closed. We then rode as much as we could. The lines were really long for a lot of rides and it was crowded but still so much fun. Finally, around 8:00 pm we saw the Dragster running, so Matt and I got in line. Jerry didn't want to ride. We waited about 2 hours for a 17 second ride but it was definately worth it. Going from 0-120 mph in 3.6 seconds then being blasted toward the sky and cresting at 400 feet is something everyone should experience once in their life. It was amazing.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Under Water

Today at lunchtime, a water main burst in Livonia near Interstate 96. Livonia is about 5 miles away from me, and about 3 miles from my job. Traffic was backed up everywhere after work since the interstate shut down.

On a brighter note, I went to test drive a Saturn Aura Greenline after work today. The Greenline Aura is a hybrid. If I were to get another Saturn, this would be the kind I would get. I was actually very impressed. It was a fun car to drive, the only thing I didn't like was how the A pillar was large and made a blind spot for the driver. It drove great though. It was a little scary stopping at a redlight and having the engine shut off, and the car run off the battery. When I let off the brake, the car started itself again. Pretty cool. It's either this car, which I get a supplier discount on, or a Honda Civic. The Aura is rated at 35 mpg, and the Civic at 40 mpg. The Aura is about 1000 pounds heavier and comes with more features though, and is a little classier in my opinion. I still love the Civic though, so we'll see. What do you think?

I'm going to Cedar Point this weekend in Ohio with Matt and his friend Jerry, so I won't be back until Sunday. I'm excited about the roller coasters!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Photo Tour

I said when I got my new camera, that I would give a photo tour of my apartment, so here you are. Let's go, shall we?
Here is my carport space where I keep my 1992 Saturn. Next to it parks a giant cream colored 1970's Mercury that stays under cover.

This is the building I live in.

When you walk in my door, there is a stairway that leads to my apartment. I enter on the first floor and live on the second floor. The light fixture is still missing since I moved in. That's ok, I'll use it as a negotiating tool when they try to raise my rent.

Coming off the living room is the small balcony. I still need to get balcony furniture.

This is my dining room where I keep a futon and my desk. When you come visit, this is where you'll sleep (or me).

This is my entertainement center.

The living room.

Another view of the living room.

Looking down the kitchen.

Where miracles like hamburger helper and bag salads are kitchen.

The lovely laundry room...this gets a lot of use.

The bathroom.

Entering the bedroom.

Another view of the bedroom.

This is a large storage closet in my bedroom.

Last but not least, my closet. It's large for just one person.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Holy Guacamole

I just checked the Smash Brother's site, and wow. I can't wait. I will have to get it and play online with Paul and both Matt's. This looks SO much fun.

Un Republic Du Banan!

I bought a Hybrid

Only this one doesn't use any gas, it's my new bike. It's a Giant Cypress comfort hybrid in a royal blue color. When I got the bike and tried to put it in my Saturn to take home, it wouldn't fit! I layed the back seats down, but the handlebar stuck up too far so the trunk wouldn't shut. So I had to go back in the bike shop and ask for twine to tie the trunk down and drive the 5 miles home with the trunk half open.

I came back home, changed my clothes and went for a ride. I was riding down Novi Road towards 8 mile and I came to the intesection and had to move off the road, in the gravel and my back wheel slid a little. Just then, I turned to look behind me and see a lady I work with, Terissa drive by in her minivan and wave at me. That was fun. I rode about 5 miles and really like my new bike. Tomorrow I'm going to map out a route to work so I can start riding to and from my job.

Did anyone know a great show, The Wonder Years, still comes on TV? I loved this show when I was younger and it still comes on the ION channel. It's a good show.

What else...check book is still off $0.20, still jonesing for frozen grapes...that's about it.

Monday, July 9, 2007

They Were Closed

I thought the bike shop closed at 8:00, because in Michigan all (excuseme, most) businesses stay open until 8:00 on Monday and Thursday nights, and close at 6:00 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. By the time I left work and got to the shop it was 6:30, and they closed at 6:00. So, I didn't get the bike today. Maybe tomorrow, hopefully.

Even though I didn't get the bike today, I got some wonderful suprises in the mail. Matt Swindler (Hi, Matt *waving*) sent me a postcard from DisneyLand. Mom sent me some mail I got back in South Carolina, and I got my medical and prescription cards from Blue Cross Blue Shield. Kiki (Hey Keh Keh) sent me a nice postcard a while back from San Fran, and Paul (Ju Paul) sent me Pokemon cards 4 weeks ago, that's why there's a Pokemon of the Week.

Work was fun today, I'm doing DFMEA (Design Failure Mode Effect and Analysis) training Monday - Wednesday and I like this a lot. I'm busy at work this week though but I'm getting the hang of things a little more and taking on more responsibility. I guess Dr. Fadel aka Gorgeous Georges taught me something.

Gas is back up to $3.35 per gallon here. Boooo

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Welcome Home

Today Dawn got a new Shar Pei that she named Bear. He's 4 months old and darker and redder than Fuji was. He looks fun and soft, I wish I could see him in person.

I think tomorrow I will buy the bicycle I wanted to get and start riding.

Saturday, July 7, 2007


Beetlejuice is on TV!

Today I went out to two bike shops in Farmington Hills and Livonia to look at bicycles. I really want a nice bike like the Trek one my dad has. I found out that type of bike is called a "hybrid comfort". Comfort means it's a multi-speed bike used for riding on sidewalks and paved surfaces, and not so "mountain-y". The "hybrid" means it has skinnier tires like a road bike, but not quite. The idea is the skinnier tires keep it fast and a hybrid is not to be used off road. So I want a hybrid comfort bike. Prices range from $209 - $349. Giant is a brand of bike I think I'll get, they are the parent company of Trek. A bike shop in Livonia had a sale going on with some older 2006 models they hadn't sold. They had a 19" bike, a hybrid comfort, in blue for $209. I really liked that one and it was the last one they had.

I want a bike because this weather is amazing. I know it's not going to last, and it's short. I can tell because you see all these people out in convertibles and sports cars, with tans, and with their windows down and sunroofs open. They take advantage of this weather because starting in October it will be Arctic for 6 months. So, I want to get a bike to ride to work (since I'm only 4 miles away) and to go on bike rides around the area in the afternoons and weekends since there are so many bike paths. I think it's a good investment because a) it will be forced exercise and b) it will save gas. So, I want to get one soon.

I bought a camera last night online from I have wanted a new camera for a while and this one in particular. It's a Casio Exilim 7.2 MP. I want to take more pictures, and my older camera has horrible quality. So when I get my camera, I'm going to do a "photo tour" blog post on my apartment, work, neighborhood etc.

Tonight Katey's sister Erica invited me to a large church here called Northridge (I went there once already) with her and her friend Carmela. It was a lot of fun and afterwards we went to La Shish, a middle-eastern restaurant. Erica and Carmela were a lot of fun and I think we'll do more stuff with each other.

Now...the checkbook is still $0.20 off, I told you it'd bother me, didn't I?

Friday, July 6, 2007


I absolutely cannot stand it when my checkbook won't balance. According to Chase online, I have $0.20 more in my account than what I show. I have $0.20 less than what they show. So, I went through my entire checkbook log TWICE and compared it to what they had entry by entry, and I've come to the conclusion that they have made a mistake, or their program did because I double, triple, and quadrouple checked my math.

I also cannot stand withstanding checks, which is why I only use a debit card other than paying bills, I like to pay those with checks. This is going to bother me now!!!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Per Your Request

Before I begin: Kiki, Ann Arbor is your kind of place. Period.

Well I guess I haven't posted anything since Monday? Tuesday was just work, and an annoying day at that. Not my job's fault, just me not knowing the proper way to do everything yet and what should be a 30 minute task takes me 3 hours and I get frustrated with myself. I still have so much to learn. There are so many confusing ways to use the database, and pull drawings, link them, save's a lot to remember. It's going to take practice.

Katey invited me to go to Wyandotte with her and her family Wednesday for a 4th of July parade and then to her house for a cookout. I had to get up early on Wednesday (around 7:00) to be at her house by 8:10...and then to the parade at 10:00. Her and her family live about 30 minutes south of me. When I was leaving it started to rain pretty hard, so I didn't know what was going to happen. By the time I got to her house though it had stopped and was actually really nice out. Her family was really great. They were all really welcoming and really funny to be around. They all asked if I was her boyfriend, but she made it clear that "no no no we're just friends". More on that another time...I guess.

But the parade was fun and I got to see Wyandotte which is like a blue-collor working town south of Detroit. The cookout was a lot of fun also. She had a huge family...5 sisters and like 3 million cousins. She asked me then if I wanted to go to Ann Arbor with her, because she works in Ann Arbor and her work was having a party for the 4th of July at a park. It didn't start until 4:00 but we had to be there by 2:00 to set stuff up, and to the store and buy vegie burgers for the two lesbians that were going to be there...more on that below.

Ohhh Ann Arbor. How do I describe it? Bums, lesbians, beatnicks,'s like Asheville X 2. It was ok to visit, but I just can't take being around that for an extended period of time. It's like everyone it not in touch with reality. I like Detroit better, the people have actual jobs and aren't so flighty. The party/cookout at the park was a lot of fun. Katey's boss's daughter is a lesbian so that's who the veggie burgers were for. Although, she smoked, so what's the point of being a vegetarian? Animal rights I'd assume, but you never can tell.

When we got the pavilian to set up there was a homeless guy there reading, and charging his DVD player. Katey eventually said hi to him, and then he started to talk our ears off. He had crooked eyes and missing teeth, so looking at him while you talked was hard because you couldn't make eye contact. He introduced himself as Gilbert. He was apparantly in the army, and used to be a manager at Subway, and now lives under a bridge. Katey said "Aww I'm sorry, is it fun?". She almost implied that him and his homeless friends played "fort" under the bridge which I thought was funny. We had to go to the store and Katey asked Gilbert to watch the decorations. He did and he stayed there the entire time through the party, off to himself. When we were cleaning up we gave him all the left over food we were going to throw away and he said thank you. He was actually nice and not all begging-like, which I don't have much sympathy for. The party was fun though because she works with mostly hispanics and they danced and spoke a lot of spanish so I got to practice what I remember.

Katey said we'd go back to her house and watch fireworks, but by the time we got back it was around 9:45 and we were both tired, so I came back home and went to sleep. It was a really long day. Work today was pretty good, I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. A lot of people aren't there because they're on vacation.

Tonight I met Katey and her 1 year old niece for dinner at Chipotle in Farmington Hills. It was really good and it was fun to go out with her again. I offered to pay for her food and she just smiled and said "no I'd like to pay for my own, but thank you". It was weird because she said it in a very nice tone, but also clear and that was code for "just to be clear, we're only friends and I'm not going to give you the opportunity to think anything more". It was strange, but she's really nice, I guess she just wanted to be clear. Yesterday she would just talk about how she's in love with a guy her cousin introduced her too...another way of saying "we're just friends". That's fine, and I hope I don't come off as being creepy, but she can just relax and not worry.

Katey is a lot of fun though, I like doing stuff with her. After we left I stopped by a used book store in Novi and got a book to read by an author I like since I haven't read a book in so long and have free time to do so now.

I'm still addicted to grapes!

Monday, July 2, 2007


I have a small project to work on now at my job and I need to finish it by tomorrow. It's using CATIA, the CAD program I learned. I'm really slow with it because I'm still learning, and there are tricks I need help with. A guy I work with helped me with it a lot. He lives in Canada and is supposedly the "expert" on it in our groupe. He was really helpful and took his time though showing me the right way to get a drawing set up. Hopefully he won't mind helping me out more tomorrow. I'm still learning and it's going well.

After work I decided I needed to exercise since I have been lazy. I did 30 minutes on the eliptical trainer and about 10 minutes of weights. I can tell I was getting out of shape because the 30 minutes on the eliptical trainer was harder than it should have been. After that I made a chicken ceaser salad for dinner, and ate probably 0.5 lbs of frozen grapes because I love them so much.

Sunday, July 1, 2007


Tonight for dinner I ate chicken stir fry, called "Voila". It was really good and I have left overs for lunch tomorrow, which is always nice.

Saturday was so nice here. The weather was perfect. It was clear with a few clouds, and in the mid 70's. I took my white Saturn to the self serve car wash, then came back to my apartment and waxed it and detailed it. It still cleans up very nice. I just enjoyed being outside. It took me around 2 hours to do, but I didn't mind because the weather was so great. It's nice to be outdoors and have cool weather and not have to sweat.

Saturday night I went to another AXIS get together. We talked for a while, played Scategories, ordered pizza, then went home. It was pretty fun. Tomorrow night I'm supposed to go to dinner with Katey, one of the girls there. She's older than me (29 I think) but she's a lot of fun and very friendly.

I went to church this morning, to the early service, and came back home and ate an apple. That gave me the idea that I needed more fruit, so I decided I would go to Meijer to get fruit later on in the day. I decided to drive around Canton and Plymouth to learn the area a little more and to see what kinds of neighborhoods were there. I went to get on I-275 to go down to Canton, and when I got onto the onramp traffic was moving very slow. I had no idea why traffic would be bad on a Sunday, at lunchtime. The other side of the interstate was empty. I thought that was weird. Then, after maybe 1.5 miles I saw some lights on the other side of the interstate. Then, I saw why it was backed up. There were 3 vehicles in the road, pretty much in pieces. From the looks of it a van had crossed over the median and hit a car, ripping it in half (literally, the car was in 2 pieces) and then another van hit it. You couldn't even make out the kinds of cars they were. That side of the interstate was closed for about 5 miles for the entire morning.

I work this week on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. I have no idea what I'll do on Wednesday, it's so odd to have a day off the middle of the week.