Monday, May 26, 2008

Oh Hi, I'm Back

I made it back to Michigan. A week off from posting was more than called for, if you're asking. I had such a good time with family and friends. On Thursday I got my first brand new car, a 2008 Atomic Blue Honda Civic LX. Her name is Crysta. Thursday night Paul paid for me to take a REALLY good nap during Indiana Jones. The movie was good (from what I rememeber) but what I remember most was being full from dinner, and warm, and I was out! It was a good nap though, and I don't take them often. On Friday I went with dad to do all the DMV/tax stuff that goes along with buying a new car. Friday night I spent the night with Paul and Kiki, along with Saturday night. Saturday I went to Highlands, NC with the family. It was nice spending the day with them. Sunday I went to NewSpring. Besides family and friends, that church is the 3rd biggest thing I miss about South Carolina.

My new car is fantastic. I have no complaints at all. The buying experience wasn't so great, but I got what I wanted it just took being rude and forceful which I don't like to do, but WILL do when people act stupid and don't do what they're supposed to. On the way back to Michigan I filled up with gas twice. The first time I filled up was in Kentucky (I only used 1/2 tank) and I got 41 MPG. I then filled up in Toledo, OH and got 42 MPG. That is amazing for the car. It's larger than my Saturn, more powerful, has more safety features and gets the same/slightly better gas mileage. I'm very happy with it so far. What's ironic is that my Saturn broke down 2 days after my parents got it. The starter went bad. I told them it was sold warranty.

The next few days are going to be pretty busy with unpacking and moving boxes since I have moved out of my apartment and to Plymouth.

1 comment:

-P said...

That was a good visit! I like Crysta. Remember to plan another party for mine and Lindsey's visit in July!