Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mama Day

I realized when I woked up today that it was Mother's Day, and this song popped in my head for some reason:

It's a good song, even if it is by the Spice Girls. I also realized my mother is MIA. I know she's somewhere between Puerto Rico and the United States. Maybe going through customs, or on an airplane. Her exact location cannot be located at this time. There are 3 flights between San Juan and Charlotte today according to but I have no clue which one she's on. So I will have to tell her Happy Mother's Day when I find her, or she finds me by phone.

I also picked the Pokemon of the week based on a motherly instinct. Cleffa, to me looks very wholesome, like Kathy Bates: warm and welcoming. Paul, correct me, but I think Pokemon "evolve" or something like that so I'm guessing Cleffa is in relation to Clefairy, but I have no clue which came first (the chicken or the egg) so for now Cleffa is a mama.

Also! Paul told me a really interesting story about how he used to HATE the Honda Civic and how retarded it looked. Yesterday though Paul got lost in the mall parking lot (Paul, lost, nooooo) and 3, yes 3, ATOMIC BLUE Honda Civic's helped him find his car. It was magical. So I decided my Civic will be named Christa, Christa Smith since it's a magical name (from Fern Gully). I'm just glad Paul had his epiphany NOW rather than later (I knew he'd come to his senses sooner or later).

Walter if fine now by the way, but I did read a wonderful story last night from "Things I Learned About My Dad (in therapy)". This is a collection of short stories written by dad's about fatherhood, edited by Heather Armstrong.

It goes:
"When my son was four months old, he developed a bright red rash that started at the top of his head and began moving down his body like a flame on an oil-soaked rope. I rushed him to the doctor, who walked into the exam room and said "What's the problem?" I said, "My son has a rash!" He put on his glasses and said "Yep". Three hundred dollars".

That's how I feel. They never found out what was wrong with Walter, and wanted me to take him BACK to the vet Friday for a check up. Riiiiight. Pay more money for them to say they don't know what was wrong, but he seems fine now, and to take it easy. No thank you.

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

-P said...

What a great Pokemon of the Week! Here's how the Cleffa evolution chain goes: Cleffa >evolves into> Clefairy >evolves into> Clefable. So Cleffa's not really a mama, but she is a little baby from the heavens (seriously, they say Cleffa came from space like a falling star), so maybe she's more like you. Also, maybe you should look up Kangaskhan. That one is actually like a "maternal pokemon" or something. It carries it's young in a pouch. Either way, I'm glad you weren't so slack this week w/ choosing a Pokemon.
Oh, and the FernGully name is Crysta, not Christa. Need to get that right before you go signing any birth certificates. Having the letter Y in a name is much more mystical.
Aaaaand, would it kill you to link to my blog? Or at least the post you're referencing? Help a brother out, Fupa Troopa!