You Must Have Been Wondering...
How was my dentist appointment? Great! Three years ago I was told by some fruitloop that I had 9 cavities and my teeth were in really bad shape. I had a consultation with this new dentist before going to the hygenist, and told him all about my dental history (my trials and heartaches). He said it was no problem and they would take care of my mouth for me.
Well I sat down and told the dental hygenist to prepare for the worst. She opened up my mouth, poked around for a little bit, and said "You're insane...because your teeth are in excellent shape. I only see one tiny cavity, and it's very small. You must be a hypochondriac". So, it wasn't so bad. I had X-rays taken to detect cavities, ultrasonic water cleaning, and she cleaned my gums. While she cleaned my gums they started to bleed. She said that was absolutely normal and healthy, that it meant the blood was flushing bacteria out from under the gumline near the tooth. At the end the hygenist took some pictures of my teeth for me, and put them on the TV monitor up on the wall for me to see, so I would have a visual when the dentist came to look. It was a nice visit, and for once in my life going to the dentist wasn't such a nightmare.
I'm going back to South Cacalac tomorrow. I'm going to Clemson Sunday afternoon to visit Paul and Kiki and little Matt. Becky and I are having dinner Friday too.