Monday, August 13, 2007


Not a lot got done at work today. My program is using a different CAD language than I know how to use, so I'm having to get other people to make changes for me and it's not going so well. I wish I could use the language I learned in my training, but the customer requires the other language be I can't.

I'm just going to have to make it happen, and maybe be a little more proactive. I bought a guy I work with 2 beers Friday because he said he'd help me, and it was suggested I do that by our accounts a reward if you will. So, I went to this restaurant/bar with him Friday after work, and just drank water while he drank 2 beers, and that was supposed to be for helping me. Well I didn't really get much out of him today, atleast for what I put in, hopefully tomororow is better.

I'm pretty tired now too, Mondays are always a tiring day.

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