Monday, March 2, 2009

Due To The Economic Situation

I've gone from peaceful feelings of doubt, to some anger, then to a little bit of apathy, to downright pissed off at my job. I'd say for the most part apathy plays a large portion, and call me jaded, but let's cut the crap and be realistic. You can have the most positive attitude in the world, and in the corporate world it may get you some verbal praise...but you'll get dumped on just like the rest.

I once read someone said "the moral of the story is aim low, don't disappoint yourself". That almost sounds depressing to read but it is actually somewhat true. I'm glad I have a college degree, and I'd like to think it will play a role when the economy gets better, but right now it doesn't really make all that much difference due to the job market.

Thursday I'll find out if I have a job, and if so, how much of my salary I'll have to give back. It's going to be awesome to jump back in time and make less money than I did coming out of school but WAIT! There's more, the workload DOESN'T GO DOWN! But be thankful they say, because you have a job in this economy. I love how that one word "economy" is thrown around as a catch all for anything. "Oh due to the economic situation" blah blah blah. So whenever you do something wrong, blame it on the economy because everyone else does.

I'm going to bed. Goodnight.


-P said...

NewSpring starts a new message series this Sunday called, "Where's My Bailout?" I'm really looking forward to it. Should put this whole "economic crisis" situation into a much more realistic perspective, and maybe people will quit using the recession as the new El Nino.

-P said...

The next Pokemon of the Week should be: Meowth! Due to the economic situation, of course.