Monday, November 17, 2008

How To Write A Personal Mission Statement

This is how

I like looking at the WikiHow of the day on iGoogle. Today's was a good one. I think it's nice to have a mission statement.

This past weekend in South Carolina, although a whirlwind, was JUST what I needed. I feel refreshed and motivated (more than before). Christmas will probably be even better. Coming back to 3 inches of snow didn't even bother me.

Things to do now:
- Update/Polish resume
- Enroll in a German class
- Tutor math
- Find a girlfriend


Marth said...

Woooooo I like this post and I added a WikiHow of the Day to my iGoogle! Thanks for writing about it. It's got all kinds of things on there.

You should get on Twitter, D. Be like "DintheMitten" or "ClemsonSaturn" or "Pikminarecool" or somethin like that. ^_^

-P said...

I found it! A friend gave me some advice about goal-setting and purpose today, and I remembered you posted close to the same thing.

So how many goals have you met...?