Politics = Retarded
November 4th cannot come fast enough. Will everyone shut their mouth by then? Probably not, but maybe it will slow down some.
I realize now whenever politics are discussed, why I vote Republican. That is, for the simple fact, that a large majority of Democrats make these outlandish connections and conclusions (i.e. blanket statements) about anything you can imagine, when in reality, the true Democrat agenda should, I think, eliminate bias and grouping everyone into one category. Isn't that taking things by a "case by case" example that Democrats tout so proudly?
What sparked this? A blog I read, and the blog was talking about abortion. The author was pro-choice, very much so, but she went as far as to say that if a person votes for McCain, they don't care about women's health, or women at all for that matter. Stupid. Just because I vote for one candidate does NOT hands down make me an insensitive person who doesn't care about women's health.
What have I learned in the past 24 years of my life about politics? Mostly to go Republican, for the simple fact that it pisses Democrats off and that's good enough for me. I think Paul used the term DemoBRATS and that is clearly becoming the truth.
If someone can logically tell me that having a pro-life attitude makes you uncaring toward women, then maybe I'll change my mind. The simple fact is you can't make that connection.
I'm quickly starting to dislike this woman
A little pregnant
I feel like I can't say nothing in response. The video referenced in the "a little pregnant" link makes it clear that McCain hand-waves away the "health of the mother" issue. If he's for a complete ban of abortion, including when the child could kill the mother, then that's insensitive towards women, hands down. If your hypothetical wife had pregnancy troubles (early labor, perhaps) and McCain's view of "no abortions ever" were in place (no "health of the mother" concerned), then if the time came when either your wife could die or your unborn child could die, you would not get to choose. Your wife would die for the sake of an unborn child. I have heard from the mouths of conservatives/Republicans that they would always choose their wife over their unborn child if such a choice had to be made. I think this is the general idea behind the statements in the blogs you referenced and in the video. McCain and his policies would take away any choice that potential parents would have. And yes, by Obama's policies, the "choice" of the unborn child to live would be gone, but only (for late term) in instances of when the mother's health were at risk.
Maybe I'm doing that Democrat thing when I say: If you're for McCain's policies, you're choosing the health of an unborn child every time over the health of the mother who is bearing the child. I think that's wrong.
Whew, that was long. O_O
I've never been good on the diving board, so I'll just jump in from the side of the pool. Here goes!
I'll start with the generalization that most democrats support the theory of evolution, survival of the fittest, the advancement of the species, or some combination of all of these similar things. I'm perplexed, therefore, when I read something like this (from the 'a little pregnant' link):
"Your baby. Your life. If you're reading this blog, chances are good that you're a mother, a pregnant woman, a woman who plans to become pregnant, or a woman who's trying. He means you. He means us when he holds up his hands and says with that single scornful gesture that we don't matter. That we are a figment of the "pro-abortion movement's" imagination. That — what, we're making this whole "staying pregnant might kill me" thing up?"
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like someone planned this pregnancy. It sounds like she's talking to women who want their babies. If you really wanted a baby, if you knew what you were doing, what you were getting into when you became pregnant, and if you (drawing from my initial assumption) are a fan of advancing the species, then isn't it your duty of some kind to give the baby life? I mean, you had your shot, and you pro-created. You've advanced the species. Shouldn't that mean it's baby's turn to live?
I'm not actually voting for mommy to die, but the argument (at least from the 'a little pregnant' blogger) is ridiculous.
Speaking of ridiulous:
"Look, I wasn't going to vote for him anyway. That's true for more reasons than I can list. But this is why I think no one should — no one of childbearing capacity. No women. In fact, no one who cares about women. No one who cares about even just one specific woman. In fact! In fact, no one with a brain. Because even if you're implacably, unconditionally opposed to abortion, a matter on which reasonable people disagree, I don't see any way a thinking person can look at those air quotes and see anything but pandering, contempt, and a dangerous willful ignorance."
_That's_ a demo-brat.
I thought we were sick of politics?
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