Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Good Start

Today was a good day for a few key reasons:

1) I jumped a pay grade at work (a raise!)
2) I went to the dentist, and had no cavities
3) I got a free Starbucks coffee and coconut chocolate chip cookie at the dentist
4) I saw the Transformers movie

I was greeted by someone this morning having a panic attack about what happened to the stock market last night. That is probably THE dumbest thing to worry about, in my opinion. Worrying, while not a good way to fix anything, will certainly not fix Wall Street. So I don't let it bother me. I think I pissed someone off by saying "It's not affecting my day to day routine, so it doesn't concern me". That might sound immature and brash, but honestly...does it? If what happens on Wall Street doesn't stop you from getting a paycheck and buying groceries or paying for shelter...what's the difference? All I know is I live happier not concerning myself with it, so I'm good.

While at the dentist, I saw Sarah Palin on TV. I like her. She expressed her view on a key issue, and said she was "unapologetic" about it. That was a nice way of telling people too bad if they didn't like it. I also like her because people seem to be picking on her for the dumbest things...and that gives her more credit in my book.

PS...why don't I see any dirt on Barak Obama on the magazines in the stores? So far all I see is McCain and Palin bashed for *gasp* having a pregnant teenage daughter!


Marth said...

I think it's kind of stupid that the media has focused so much on Palin's family. Her speaking skills, however, are fair game, along with her political ideas themselves. I saw a clip of an interview she did with Katie Couric (I think) and it was just awful. Like a geography lesson a la Miss South Carolina. I'm waiting for the VP debates on Thursday before letting loose on how much I dislike her. It's gonna be fun!

Oh, and I totally (really) agree with you about the stock market. This whole economic slump thing isn't hurting me either (yet?), so I don't worry about it. And it's definitely not immature to have an honest (and accurate for you) opinion about the issue. Good job not getting stressed over it. :D

And there's no bad news about Obama because he's awesome. Duh. ;)

-P said...

Oh brother. All I know is Palin is hot. I'm pretty sure that's enough of a qualification.