Thursday, April 10, 2008

Just Like The Movies

I had to watch two movies tonight that I didn't want to watch. I was obligated. One of the movies, "Rear Window" was loaned to me by Paul at work. He loaned me two movies. "North by Northwest" and "Rear Window" and said I had to watch both of them. The problem is, they were made before 1980-ish and movies like that (i.e. old) don't hold my attention at all. It's what I call "mid-evil crap". Anything old is classified as that to me, that's how I describe it.

Anyway I watched "North by Northwest" about 2 weeks ago, and it wasn't bad, but wasn't that great either. So I never got around to "Rear Window", and the other day Paul asked if I had watched it and when I said know, he kind of huffed and said "well am I ever going to get my movies back?" So I figured it'd be good if I went ahead and watched it. When I say I watched it, I mean I turned it on, and did stuff around my apartment like cook, eat, surf the internet, and then read the plot of the movie on Wikipedia incase he asked me, then turned it off about 45 minutes before it ended. I just couldn't take it.

So that was the first movie. The second movie I had to watch was "Monty Python and The Quest for the Holy Grail". Alex called and asked if I wanted to watch it, because it was supposed to be really funny. I always hear people quoting it and talking about it. Since it seemed so legendary I thought I should go ahead and watch it. Well, it wasn't good either. British humor is just stupid. Have you ever tried watching one of those British sit-coms with Judy Dench? Well it was like that, only this WAS set in Authurian mid-evil times so it was that much worse for me!

I guess sometimes you have to watch things you don't want to.


Marth said...

At least spell the movie title correctly if you're going to knock it. I like that Monty Python movie, although I hated it the first time I saw it. So maybe in three years you'll like it if you give it another shot. I think you have to be in the mindset for British humor...although I just kind of like that type of humor anyway. :P Haven't seen the other two movies...

-P said...

This other "Paul" character sounds like a real douche. A Costco Douche (if I may borrow the phrase, Kiki).
But Monty Python is good. You need to like that movie. Everyone else does. But yeah, you need to work on editing these posts. What a grammatical and spelling-error filled minefield! Do it, D.
And I can't wait for a better Pokemon of the Week.