Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I'm a Raggamuffin

I don't have any heat so I'm in my apartment under blankets and in a sweater. The thermostat said 40 degrees in here when I got home. I have no clue what's wrong with the heat, nor do I care, because I pay for others to care. If it were my own house, then I'd care. I'm waiting for maintenance to get here to fix the heat...but it's been about 2 hours now so I'm cold.

Even Walter, who NEVER wants to sit on my lap started to cry and jumped up on my lap, curled up, and went to sleep. He's cold too. The weather got really bad today after lunch. This morning it was a little icy, then at lunch it started to sleet, then the temperature dropped quickly and snow covered the ice. The roads were a mess on the way home so it took me about 45 minutes to drive the 6 miles home. The traffic was bad and intersections were nasty.

Too bad tomorrow can't be a snow day. Oh and Kiki called today. That was a nice treat, I haven't spoken to Keek in a long time (Hi Kiki).

1 comment:

Marth said...

Hi David! It was good to talk to you. I'm so sorry your heat isn't working. If the oven works, I'd have that thing on with the door open. :D