Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Happy Birthday, From All of Us to You!

Did anyone know that "Goosebumps" still comes on Cartoon Network!? Gosh it brings back memories from 4th grade at Roebuck Elementary. I used to love Goosebumps. I would read all the books, then when I found out there would be a television series I loved that too. I've been watching it for the past few nights on TV. It's kind of like watching Full House where you think to yourself "Oh, I liked this stuff???". It's fun though. I like all the cheesy names for the books too, and the illustrations for the covers.

Today my grandpa turned 87 years old. That doesn't seem all that old when you think about it at once, but when you think about it in terms of what age you are, it seems so advanced. I'm 23 for example, and I remember probably 19 years or so pretty solidly and I feel like I've been alive for a long time. I can't imagine what memories I'll have after 87 years.

I have been working on this Powerpoint presentation at work that I'm going to present to Subaru in Japan. It is the longest powerpoint I have done, ever. It's 94 slides. It's not like any of those are "fluff" slides either, they all have information. I think the file size today when I checked was close to 38 Mb. My job feels like one giant ME 402 class, but instead of 1 semester it's 3 years per project. Looooooooooooong but fun. It's fun because today people brought left over Halloween candy in and I ate a lot of it. The good stuff too, Reeses, Hershey, and Nestle mmmm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have all the Goosebump books, fyi. I won them from Fruit Roll-ups.